BNY Mellon Benefits Guide
Castlight: Make Informed Health Care Choices
If you participate in BNY Mellon sponsored Plan HRA or Plan HSA through Aetna or United Healthcare, you and your eligible dependents can use Castlight to make better informed health care choices during Open Enrollment and all year-round. Castlight is a personalized tool that helps you easily compare your potential health care costs. For Open Enrollment decision making, the tool can be used to view your past medical claims and expenses (for periods you were enrolled in a BNY Mellon medical plan) and past dental claims if you are enrolled with MetLife, so you can review costs under each health plan option and select your benefits for 2018. You can use Castlight to compare cost estimates and quality ratings for doctors' and dentists' visits and health care services. The tool can help you understand what's covered by your health plan, see where you are with respect to your deductible status, review simple explanations of past expenses and much more. In addition, with Castlight's "myStrength", you can participate in online evidence-based therapy to address stress, depression, anxiety and other behavioral health concerns.